First, create a new Blade component in your resources/views/components directory. You can do this by running the following command:
php artisan make:component CopyButton
Open the newly created copy-button.blade.php file and define the component's template. We can delete the CopyButton.php class file, since we do not need that, we can define the props in our view file. Moreover, we do not even need to define the props. I am including it here to showcase the mechanism. Anyways, You can use the following code as a starting point:
@props(['title' => 'Click To Copy','clipBoardText' => '', 'caption'=> 'Copy To Clipboard', 'copy'=> true]) <div class="flex" x-data="{ isVisible: {{ $copy === true ? 'true' : 'false' }}, copied: false, }" x-init="window.copyToClipboard.init()" @if ($copy === 'hover')@mouseleave="isVisible = false"@mouseover="isVisible = true" @endif x-cloak > {{ $slot }} @if ($copy) <div class="flex ml-1"> <button :class="[ isVisible ? 'visible btn btn-default btn-xs ml-2 mt-1' : 'invisible']" x-on:click=" copied = true; setTimeout(() => copied = false, 2000); " class="copy btn btn-default btn-sm" data-clipboard-text="{{ $clipboardText }}" title="{{ $title ?? '' }}" > <i class="fa fa-copy"></i> {{ $caption }} </button> <div x-cloak x-show="copied" class="absolute p-1 px-2 text-green bg-white"> <i class='ticked h-5 w-12'title="Copied!"></i> </div> </div> @endif </div> <script> window.copyToClipboard = { isInitialised: false, init() { if (this.isInitialised) { return } this.isInitialised = true new Clipboard('.copy', { text: function (trigger) { return trigger.getAttribute('data-clipboard-text'); } }).on('success', function (e) { e.clearSelection(); }) }, } </script>
The component includes a button element with the copy class and the data-clipboard-text attribute set to the value of the clipboardText variable. When this button is clicked, the copied property of the data object is set to true, and a message is displayed to the user indicating that the text has been copied to the clipboard.
Now that you have created the component, you can include it in any of your views by passing in any necessary variables as named parameters. For example:
@props(['textToCopy' => 'Copy Me']) <x-app-layout> <x-copy-button copy="hover" :clipboardText="$textToCopy"/> </x-app-layout>
This will include the component in your view and render the copy-to-clipboard button. Make sure to include the necessary JavaScript file and any other dependencies, and you should be good to go!
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Rezaul H Reza,27 December 2022Comments (0)